
How I Work

“We have had Hall of Fame speakers. They all gave great speeches. You were better … you got our association members involved! We want you back next year.”
Does this happen to you?

Do your conference participants tell you, “Each year we sit and listen to speakers talk all day. This year, can we do something different?”

For so many conference breakout sessions, your participants can travel hundreds of miles and pay hundreds of dollars only to sit in silence while yet another “sage on the stage” talks about themself. Conference sessions can also be high on “feel good” entertainment value, but low on actual substance. This session will be different, as your participants will thank you as they have the opportunity to finally talk, laugh and engage … with each other. They will learn more about themselves and how to motivate and retain their employees and customers.

Your participants will immediately self-select into four groups and will help the facilitator develop the session content. Based on the group they select, participants will be given a different color wristband to help them network with fellow participants through the remainder of the conference. They will also be given tools (such as a postcard to demonstrate employee and/or customer appreciation, and seven specific questions to ask each of their employees to help the participant become “Boss of the Year”) they can use to motivate members of their team.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn more about yourself and your fellow conference participants
  • See how to handle difficult conversations with employees and customers
  • Effectively work with the five generations (Matures, Baby Boomers, Generations X, Y and Z)
  • Understand how to set goals for your organization
  • Learn how to use tools to better manage your time
  • Determine what sets your organization apart from your competitors
  • Learn about THE most effective marketing technique
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Virtual Conference

On a trade show in
Las Vegas

On a company meeting in Australia


Results I Have Helped Create

Create an Experience for Your Next Conference